FPDI/FPDF dropped in Free WaterWoo version
Big changes for the free version of WaterWoo PDF! We finally took the plunge and abandoned the pay-walled FPDI parser in favor of TCPDI, an open-source derivative. What does this mean for users of the free plugin? A couple things:
1) All PDF versions are watermark-able, not just versions prior to 1.5. This limitation was a bit silly, and we apologize it took us so long to obliterate it.
2) Slight watermark positioning change on the Y axis (up/down the page). You might want to check your watermark position if you are using the free version to make sure it is still sitting where you want on the page. If you are coming up with blank pages (every other page), then move your watermark UP (smaller Y-axis number).
Download the free version of the PDF watermarker plugin at Wordpress.org.
Buy the premium version (it’s still WAY more powerful than the free version).