Brought to you by a longtime user, Jake, is the following snippet, which allows for a different watermark on the first page than all other pages: function jakes_custom_overlay_function( $page, $watermark, $o_X_margin, $o_Y_margin, $cell_width ) { // Only do an overlay on the first page $start_page = empty( $watermark->settings[‘start_page’] ) ? 1 : intval( $watermark->settings[‘start_page’] ); if ( $page === $start_page ) { $ishtml = false; // If watermark has HTML Multicell needs HTML argument if ( $watermark->overlay != strip_tags( $watermark->overlay ) || strpos( $watermark->overlay, ‘opacity:’ ) !== false ) { $ishtml = true; } $watermark->pdf->MultiCell( $cell_width, 1, $watermark->overlay, 0, ”, false, 1, $o_X_margin, $o_Y_margin, true, 0, $ishtml, false, $watermark->size[‘h’], ‘T’, false ); } } add_action( ‘wwpdf_custom_overlay_function’, ‘jakes_custom_overlay_function’, 10, 5 ); WaterWoo loops through each PDF page with TCPDF to apply watermarks. What this PHP code says is that if inside continue reading…