
Mother Earth F*cker

“Like Earth, we receive the gift of life through an act of Divine creation. From birth to death the vital force of sexual energy is a primal influence. Profound intimacy and ecstatic pleasure are realized when sexuality is embraced with deep sensitivity and passionate awareness. Understanding the synergistic harmony of love, sex, and spirituality is fundamental to a happy life.” ~ Heather Firth I recommend looking further into Heather Firth’s work. She’s got a good eye for sexy rocks. Keep a keen eye peeled for whether sexy artifacts exist in a synthetic environment such as your neighborhood sidewalk or workplace conference room. If they do, are they sexy? Or just silly and obscene? Is the ultimate sexual object organic/coincidental or synthetic/intentional? Like clothing over a beautiful skinscape, Christo & Jeanne-Claude drape cloth over beautiful landscapes. I might venture to say continue reading…

Breathing & Respiration

A friend was telling me her rhythms were off. I’m wondering if that might be because she’s been holding her breath and crying more lately. It’s hard to get by an entire day breathing. The hardest things are what should be the easiest! Breathe! Hey, and this is helpful: from, “How to breathe deeply when you’re nervous.” This brief article provides brief (illustrated) instructions on how to reboot your autonomic nervous system’s breathing patterns, per se. These instructions are similar to advice I give people suffering from hiccoughs. What I tell them is, 1) breathe in as much air as you can and breathe in some more 2) hold it as long as you can 3) breathe out as far as you can then breathe out some more 4) hold that exhalation as long as you can. Then, just continue reading…

Boob Tubes and Ozone Doosies

It’s National TV Turnoff week, and Americans will play along (in theory). This event seems geared towards getting children off the sofa. We found this month that television is both bad and good for children. What about grown-ups? And don’ forget Earth Day this week, Thursday. As a resident of Stripmallville, Oregon, I think I’ll adopt sprawl as my personal theme for Earth Day, and maybe I’ll come back with my ideas (aside from dirty bombing) as to how to combat it. In Stripmallville, it’s the first time I haven’t lived in the hub of a city (or even in a city at all). Today in Portland I walked several blocks to use a payphone because my mom doesn’t have a land line. Portland felt like my own livingroom. While on the MAX today, I got nostalgic for the way continue reading…

Depending on How You See a Thing

For some reason I have Grace Quek in my head, aka Annabel Chong. She’s fascinating and it’s horrible. Spiros Markou, the Greek writer and critic, summed up Chong’s dilemma when he recently said to me “emptiness, she seems to be filled with emptiness, and therefore tries to get fulfilled through the body.” While pondering his remark, an early scene from the documentary kept coming back. It is of Mrs. Quek reminiscing of happier times, when her daughter was very young. She fondly remembers her daughter’s independence from a young age, and tells of leaving her alone while she and her husband were away. She used to pin a handkerchief to little Grace’s clothes, she says, and instruct her daughter that if anything went wrong, or if she wanted to cry, to use it. ~ Senses of Cinema Last night I continue reading…

The Best Pickup Line, EVER

This morning at the patchouli-smelling hippy food co-op, I found myself STARING at the bulk chocolate items. My eyes honed in on chocolate-dipped crystalized ginger, but were also cognizant of a toothsome man hovering behind me to my left. He said, “Do you like chocolate?” I said, “I haven’t had any in days, and I’m fixated.” Several moments later, he uttered, “Do you live in Ashland?” “No, Medford.” “I’m new to the area.” “Where from?” “The East Coast.” “Where on the East Coast?” “New Jersey.” “Where in New Jersey?” “Why, do you know the area?” “Sure, I’ve been through a couple times.” “Ok. Englewood.” “Close to the city. So why did you move here?” “Just to move. Isn’t it okay to just pick up and move?” “Yes, I do it all the time.” “What do you do?” “You mean as continue reading…

Human Pincushion

(Something traumatic happened as a nurse watching another nurse work in Medford, and I wrote a poem about it.) take a look at you Os in your nose thigh high tight hose belly is swelly O negativity one hundred red CCs drip hourly old bladder overflows but you can’t let go pushing but helpless toothless big mess heifer big bess mooing through hellishness can’t show compunction to use this unction it’s a smart nurse’s solution a rubber tuber a one eyed noodle some lube and toodleoodle! slather it lather it poke it farther in this little fucker will father it spread those, easy show nursey your pursey lungs rattling you tattling? we must meddle in your rusty kettle so she slips a finger and seems to linger and I wonder cause she seems to fumble maybe bumble in your gringa continue reading…

Week in Nursing

So far this week I: – took care of at least 22 different people between two units on three days; – rubbed someone’s shoulders who just found out she had cancer; – went along and pretended to be a patient’s girlfriend for a few seconds while walking in the hallway, a patient who got sick after ingesting $12 in coins; – accidentally brought another vial of Dilaudid home; – and got my new charcoal grey hi-top converse sneakers (just like old times).

Nelco Amica Sewing Machine

I am very excited about my luck thrift purchases, particularly my Nelco Amica sewing machine. Heck, I’m ecstatic about my sewing machine. It’s the first one I ever bought for myself and I wasn’t counting on it working when I chanced buying it. But not only does it work, but it’s a champ. Sews through anything without a complaint. Made in Italy, I’m guessing 1960s based on the instruction booklet art. Update 1/2006: I no longer have this machine. Update 3/2013: You can now get the manual here:

Breathing, Part I

You’ve probably noticed already that breathing and respiration have a lot to do with chemistry, and that because you’ve most likely taken it for granted, it is surprisingly complex, dynamic, and interesting… This website is an overview of what happens as you breathe, starting with some basic anatomy and working into chemical principles that govern every breath you take. Take a look at this picture. A “conducting zone,” or pipeline consisting of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, and bronchi, and terminal bronchioles, allows ventilation (facultated by the diaphragm) and a “respiratory zone,” consisting of respiratory bronchioles, aleolar ducts, and alveoli, permits gas exchanges essential to respiration. Are they like empty balloons? Maybe you never even thought about it before… The lungs are very elastic, spongy, soft, organs made out of connective tissue. Together they weigh about 2.5 pounds. As you continue reading…

Breathing, Part II

What makes lungs expand and contract? Are they muscles? No, the lungs aren’t muscles. *Special* respiratory muscles “make” breathing happen. Normally an involuntary act, breathing can also be consciously controlled and altered, thank goodness. Although technically many muscles of the thorax can participate in breathing, any decent yogi will tell you that the diaphragm is the prime and proper breathing muscle (Vishnudevananda 235). Here’s how to do it: Relaxed, the diaphragm is dome-shaped. Upon contraction it flattens inferiorly, expanding the thoracic cavity and lungs. This is inspiration. The muscles shown between the ribs in this illustration are the external intercostals; they aid inspiration by elevating the rib cage. In a full inspiration, the belly will protrude, the chest will expand up and out, and the shoulders may rise. The lungs expand as well, of course. Expiration is achieved as these continue reading…

Respiration, Part I

Breathing and respiration aren’t the same thing, but they go hand in hand. Breathing is a simple mechanical process whereby air enters and exits the lungs due to volume and hence, pressure changes. Respiration* is a more complex process of delivering oxygen to the tissues for cell metabolism and carbon dioxide to the lungs for removal. The image at left shows blood being oxygenated at the lungs (red) and traveling through the heart to the systemic circuit. The gas exchange at the alveoli/blood interface is called external respiration. Gas exchanges between blood and tissue cells is termed internal respiration. Deoxygenated blood (blue) flows from the tissues in the systemic circuit back to the heart, the lungs, and CO2 is exhaled. As seen in the illustration, the cardiovascular system (the heart and blood vessels) plays a mechanical role in transporting gases, continue reading…

Respiration, Part II

We’ve explained why air enters the lungs, what components flow in/out and why, but we still haven’t discussed internal and external respiration! Regard the image at right. Find the sad face. Here the blood is CO2 rich (45 mm Hg) and low in oxygen (40 mm Hg). This sad blood is being delivered to the lungs, where the alveolar PO2 is 104 mm Hg and the PCO2 is 40 mm Hg. See? You probably know right away that fresh oxygen will rush across the respiratory membrane into the blood and refresh its supply to 104 mm Hg. But the gradient of PCO2 is only 5 mm Hg. It would seem then that carbon dioxide would have a lesser tendency to evacuate the blood, but it turns out that carbon dioxide is about 20 times more soluble in blood and alveolar continue reading…

Respiration, Part III

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried in the blood, pumped by the heart, and shifted through membranes by partial pressure gradients. Oxygen dissolves to a much smaller degree than carbon dioxide, so that at rest, the PO2 would only help provide 6% of the body’s O2 requirements. There must be another way. The hemoglobin molecule comes to the rescue. Hemoglobin is made of globin, a protein, and four heme groups consisting of an iron atom surrounded by an organic group. Four polypeptide chains make up the globin, each bearing a red-pigmented, disk-shaped heme. Each heme group binds one oxygen molecule, so each hemoglobin molecule binds four oxygens. Considering one red blood cell holds ~ 250 million Hb molecules, it can carry ~ 1 BILLION oxygen molecules (Marieb 581). The entire molecule looks like a strange knot (not shown here), but continue reading…

Respiration, Part IV

Successful respiration requires a delicate acid-base equilibrium in bodily fluids. H+ concentrations, however meager they may be, significantly impact fluid pH. Furthermore, hydrogen ions are highly reactive and react with many compounds, often disrupting their shape and function. Hydrogen ion concentrations must be maintained at ~4.0 x 10-8 in order to keep blood pH at its slightly alkaline value of 7.4. Acidosis, caused by accumulation of CO2 in the blood, is a drop in blood pH. Shallow breathing may cause acidosis. The opposite condition, alkalosis, is a rise in pH due to excessive CO2 excretion. Alkalosis is commonly caused by hyperventilation, but is much less serious than respiratory acidosis. We can say that concentrations of CO2 in the blood are directly related to its pH. A pH above 7.7 ([H3O+] = 2.0 x 10-8) or below 7.0 ([H3O+] = 1.0 continue reading…

Conclusion, Links, Sources

In conclusion, I’ll talk about two things I’ve never even done: scuba (darn) and the bends (thank god). These underwater phenomena summarize very well the concepts I’ve outlined. As a note, this page would be set to some of my favorite music, but and don’t have sound samples for “Underwater Love” and “The Bends.” Shucks. Back in the days when everything was still so simple, people devised novel ways of exploring the ocean floor. Take the little guy below, for example. The hood over his head connects him to surface air, and he can breathe fine, right? Wrong. We would reason that a deep diver is subjected to increased “atmospheric” water pressure, a great force pressing in on his chest. Remember, water is heavier than air and exerts much more pressure? To give an idea, atmospheric pressure increases continue reading…

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