Tag: font

Adding Custom Fonts to EDDiStamper

All three new Stamper plugins (EDDiStamper, PDF Stamper, and Download Monitor Stamper) come with the three standard PDF fonts: Helvetica, Times New Roman, and Courier. Not much to get excited about, I know. Whereas EDDiMark and WaterWoo (plugins based on TCPDF, not SetaPDF-Stamper) have built-in font uploaders with more instant gratification, the integration with Seta is a bit more complicated, and so you’ll need to use a little code. Whether you add the code into a custom plugin, your child theme functions.php file, or by using the more plug-n-play Code Snippets plugin doesn’t matter. Before using the following example code, we have started by creating a “fonts” folder inside the wp-content/uploads/eddistamper/ folder. We put our Comic Sans (yes!) TTF file inside the fonts folder. You can see that path reflected in line 6 of the code below. So, put the continue reading…

Now watermarking in any font!

Sort of a long time coming, but folks have been asking politely over the years if we could build in a font uploader for WaterWoo, such that fonts could be added without knowledge of PHP. As it was, it wasn’t too complicated to hook into the existing TCPDF addTTFfont() function, but we get it: not everyone likes PHP like we do! As of WaterWoo version 2.10, there is now a hidden admin settings page at yoursite.com/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wwpdf-fonts (make sure to replace yoursite.com with your site), also linked from the main WaterWoo settings page under the font dropdown/selector. Visiting this settings page, you will see an uploader similar to the native WordPress file uploader. You can either click to upload files, or drag files (one at a time) into the uploader area marked by dashed lines. In order for the font file continue reading…

Beyond Stamping PDFs with Custom Fonts

If you have tried to use the included font uploader in WaterWoo or EDDiMark, most the time you will be satisfied. It makes it very easy to add and watermark PDFs in nearly any font.

Unfortunately for some users whose languages require special characters, those characters might not be mapped in the font definition files and the dreaded ??????? or ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ will show. That’s stressful!

Little Package