EDDiStamper has been replaced by PDF Ink. Check it out at pdfink.com.
1.7.1 - 25 Aug 2024/strong>
- Update links that were web.little-package.com to www.little-package.com.
- Rate limit call to API license/plugin update server, and make them more likely to happen appropriately
- Add auto updates setting so users can opt-in to auto updates (if CRON is on, which it is by default)
- Make sure test PDFs are stored in wp-content/eddistamper folder so they can also be deleted with backend Delete button
- Simplify how required files are included and make compatibility check results visible as admin notices
- Woocommerce v7.8 compatibility
- Use an Artifact Text Stamp child class to lend accessibility to Stamped PDF documents (PDFs remain accessible after stamping)
- Update backend testing feature JS so as not to require jQuery Migrate
- PHP 8.2 compatibility
- Minor update to how SetaPDF Stamper is accessed in eddistamper-stamp.php and eddistamper-test-stamp.php
- Update to software update/license 3rd party (from Easy Digital Downloads)
- Testing with most recent EDD
- Compatibility with EDD All Access
- Feature - use callback in SetaPDF Stamper addStamp for watermarking on pages of varying size
- Feature - 'eddistamper_filter_shortcodes' filter hook added for adjusting shortcode output
- Delete only PDFs when deleting accrued test watermarked files
- License Key page listening for wrong $_POST values - fixed
- Tweak - No need for try/catch in get_temp_file_folder() method in classes/eddistamper-file-handler.php
- Tweak - No need for eddistamper_file_folder transient when checking for temp folder, just check
- Tweak - Additional debugging in this area (get_temp_file_folder() method) to catch difficulties with creating necessary files
- Fix - don't throw E_WARNING on include_once of SetaPDF library files; also, try looking for SetaPDF_Stamper class first in classes/woostamper-pdf-compatibility.php
- Original file returned on failed encryption attempt on live and test stamping (only feedback would be in logs) - fail and provide instant feedback
- Fix path for recycled files, is not 'eddistamper-pdf' in uploads folder
- Fix comparison operators having to do with EDD settings checkboxes, which only save "1" if set, otherwise not set
- Feature - timestamp shortcode [TIMESTAMP], which stamps current/stamping time on PDF
- Feature - settings UX to help choose correct permissions based on encryption type
- Fix - permissions setting and move to 128-bit if higher permissions are set than possible with 40-bit
- Fix - allow beta version check on API call
- Move external Seta library to wp-content/uploads/eddistamper/ folder so not overwritten with each update
- Initial release