Set up a Weekly (weekend) autoresponder
Years ago I set up an autoresponder to let people know I’m probably not around on Saturday and Sunday. It’s still running, and flawlessly, so I thought I’d share how I set it up using cPanel cron and FTP/File Manager. I got this idea originally from David Heath-Whyte’s blog, but adjusted it a little bit. It might help you to see two examples if you want to set this up yourself and aren’t quite sure how. Sometimes having the same thing explained twice by two different people helps! Note: this advice only works for people with self-hosted email. Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo! etc., look elsewhere. Also, you’ll need hosting with access to a cPanel. Step 1: Set up and compose your Autoresponder email Head over to your cPanel (“control panel”). Most hosting accounts will have a control panel of some sort, continue reading…