Download Monitor Stamper
Download Monitor Stamper works with Setasign SetaPDF Stamper (purchased and installed separately) to stamp PDF files with customer data (or any text or image) upon Download Monitor file delivery.
Download Monitor Stamper has been replaced by PDF Ink, with all the same features – and more. Check it out at!
Connect Download Monitor to SetaPDF-Stamper by Setasign for PDF stamping/watermarking!
You can place a text stamp customized with customer data collected during checkout, anywhere on a PDF page. Choose which pages to stamp, where on the page to stamp, stamp font size, line height, alignment, color, and set text transparency.
Unique PDF passwording is possible, including up to 256-bit AES encryption and PDF copy/print/modify/etc permissions-limiting. If your original file is passworded and you know the owner (master) password, this plugin will open the file, manipulate it, and re-password it again if you prefer.
DLM Stamper preserves all original functions of your PDF, including internal links (such as table of contents), forms, layers, accessibility, and metadata. Also, you can test and create stamped PDFs on-the-fly from the WP admin PDF “Test Kitchen” which comes with Download Monitor Stamper.
Read more features below.
- Stamp all PDF files with the same settings OR set individual, totally unique stamps per product! That means if you have a PDF which needs its own stamp, you can set it up separately on its download settings page.
- Optionally password protect PDF files. Choose a password, or set buyer’s email as the password, or use a filter hook to create your desired password (phone, zip code… or get creative with your own PHP). Two levels of passwording standard with PDF: User and Owner. Owner password, which provides total access to a PDF, is set (editable) if encryption is turned on.
- Optionally prevent copying, annotating, or modifying of your PDF files
- Stamp can be moved on the page, allowing for different paper sizes (such as letter, A4, legal, etc)
- Stamps on portrait and landscape-oriented pages
- Stamps upon click of all download links, confirmation page and emails
- Dynamic customer data inputs using shortcodes for customer first name, last name, email, phone, and order date, as well as business name and order date plus days/weeks/months/years (could be used for product/license expiration dates)
- Choice of font face, color, size and placement (horizontal line of text anywhere on the page)
- Supports all versions of Adobe PDF (through 1.7)
- Preserves all links in a PDF, internal (such as Table of Contents) and external (web pages, for example).
- Preserves existing PDF metadata
- Begin stamp on selected page of PDF document (to avoid stamping a cover page, for example)
- Stamp every page, every odd page, or every even page. Stamp the first page only or the last page only.
- Test your stamp and/or manually stamp a file on the fly
- Option to fall back and serve file un-stamped if stamping fails, rather than show customer an error
- Built-in error logging to help with record-keeping and trouble-shooting
- Translation ready
- Open source code
- Excellent customer service
- SetaSign Stamper (separate purchase)
- WordPress 5.4 or newer
- Download Monitor Stamper plugin
- PHP 5.6 or newer (recommended 7.4 or newer)
- If you are selling large files or have high sales traffic, you may need to upgrade your hosting account. Do at least set your PHP memory limit high.
- PDF(s). DLM Stamper will not work on other types of files like ePub. The plugin may not work on large PDF files due to factors on your server end. Recommended file size 20mb or less, especially if you are running on an untuned shared server and/or have high download traffic.
This plugin (stamper) requires the purchase of SetaPDF-Stamper to stamp PDFs. SetaPDF-Stamper has non-GPL-compatible licensing, and so this plugin absolutely cannot be distributed bundled with Seta per WordPress GNU. Sorry for the inconvenience. If this doesn’t make sense to you, please ask or speak with your developer.
Find installation instructions under the “Limitations” tab. If you are able to access your online WP files via FTP, SSH, or cPanel File Manager, then you will be able to install the Setasign package and move forward. Uploading the Seta library completes installation — easy enough.
You will receive a 20% off coupon for SetaPDF-Stamper with the purchase of DLM Stamper.
- This plugin does not accept HTML in the stamp content, and so highly customized styling is less possible.
- This plugin does not YET stamp with images (i.e. placing your logo on a PDF)
- This plugin does not YET stamp custom barcodes and QR codes
- No RTL capacity