EDDiMark PDF is an Easy Digital Downloads extension for watermarking and/or passwording PDF files with customer information upon download, or anytime from the EDD settings panel. It not only can be used to help protect intellectual property, but also to customize/personalize PDF certificates, awards, coupons, and other documents.
EDDiMark has been replaced by PDF Ink, with all the same features – and more. Check it out at pdfink.com!
EDDiMark is a PDF watermarking extension for Easy Digital Downloads, and works only with Easy Digital Downloads installed and configured.
Includes a ton of features you can’t get anywhere else:
- Password protect your PDF files (optional). Choose a password, or set buyer’s email as the password. Unlock PDF entirely with user password only if desired (override of owner password with user password)
- Granular control of file protections with choice of encryption type (RC4 and AES).
- Watermark designated PDF downloads (as specified by you), or *all* PDF downloads from your site
- Per-download watermarking settings! Have unique watermarks on a per-download basis.
- Full featured test and on-the-fly PDF stamping from the settings panel – no EDD purchases necessary. Watermark a PDF any time.
- Compatibility with EDD Free Downloads
- Compatibility with EDD All Access
- Allows watermarking files hosted at Dropbox in conjunction with the Easy Digital Downloads Dropbox extension
- Allows watermarking files hosted on AWS in conjunction with the Easy Digital Downloads – Amazon S3 extension
- Watermark can be moved on the page, allowing for different paper sizes (such as letter, A4, legal, etc)
- Watermarks on portrait and landscape-oriented pages
- Dynamic customer data inputs using shortcodes for customer first name, last name, email, payment ID, order date, and future date
- Choice of font face, color, size and placement (horizontal line of text anywhere on the page)
- Add your own TTF font file and watermark with your font
- Watermark all PDF/paper sizes, not just standard sizes
- Extended support for stamping in your language (Windows-1252 AND extended characters offered by DejaVu Sans, M Sung [Chinese]and Furat [Arabic]) To see if your language will be watermark-able using DejaVu, view this chart.
- Support for RTL (right-to-left) watermarking
- Watermark with png/gif/jpg images
- Preserves existing external URL links embedded in the PDF.
- Rotatable transparent page overlay watermark, apart from footer watermark (two watermark locations!)
- Additional text formatting options, such as style (bold, italics, HTML), and alignment (left/right/center) using inline CSS
- Begin watermark on selected page of PDF document (to avoid watermarking a cover page, for example)
- Watermark every page, every odd page, or every even page. Watermark the first page only or the last page only.
- Designate end page for watermarking (page to stop watermarking after)
- Optionally prevent copying, annotating, or modifying of your PDF files
- Localization ready.
- Filter hook to add your own font – ‘eddimark_add_custom_font’
- Filter hook – ‘eddimark_add_barcode’ – to add a 1D or 2D barcode such as a QR CODE to your watermark!
- Error logging in the Easy Digital Downloads console
- Open source code – get your hands dirty if you want!
- WordPress 5.4 or newer
- Easy Digital Downloads 3.1.1 or newer
- PDF(s). EDDiMark will not work on other types of files like ePub.
- PHP 7.2 or newer
- PHP mbstring (multi-byte string) support if using an international font, Deja Vu, M Sung or Furat
- PHP zlib support (for some compressed PDFs)
- If you are selling large files or have high sales traffic, you may need to upgrade your hosting account. Do at least set your PHP memory limit high.
What is EDDiMark PDF best for? In a few words: simple, smaller-size PDFs, version 1.7 or older
- EDDiMark does not preserve internal links in a PDF such as table of contents
- EDDiMark can not parse or watermark PDF forms
- PDF passwording and encryption is not guaranteed to thwart bad actors determined to steal your product.
- EDDiMark can not parse PDFs version 2.0 or newer
If you have PDFs with table of contents (internal links) or forms which must be preserved despite watermarking, please investigate using EDDiStamper instead. EDDiStamper lacks a few features which EDDiMark has, but keeps PDFs intact and features better encryption. Learn more about how EDDiMark and EDDiStamper compare.
Large PDF files, heavy server traffic and/or underpowered/poorly tuned servers may cause the PDF manipulation library included in EDDiMark to stall during delivery. This plugin can use a lot of PHP memory! If you have larger PDF files with images and/or intend to use custom fonts or encryption during delivery, you may want to consider using EDDiStamper instead.
To watermark sheet music, sewing patterns, customized gift certificates and awards, and small pamphlets, EDDiMark is perfect for the job.
Do I have to use the Easy Digital Downloads plugin for this to work?
Yes, and you can download Easy Digital Downloads free here.
Does this work for ePub/Mobi files or .XYZ (not .PDF)?
No, this plugin watermarks PDF file types only.
Will EDDiMark preserve advanced PDF features such as layers, fillable forms and internal links (Table of Contents/TOC, bookmarks)?
No. The third-party PDF parsing libraries which EDDiMark and its competitors use are not able to recognize those advanced PDF features. If you insist on the integrity of your PDF (which you should), please invest in a EDDiStamper plugin setup instead of EDDiMark.
Will EDDiMark PDF watermark images?
EDDiMark PDF is intended to watermark PDF (.pdf) files. If you are specifically looking to watermark image files (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .etc), you may want to look into a plugin such as Image Watermark.
You can; however, watermark on PDFs with (GIF, PNG, transparent or not) images using EDDiMark. Image width and height must be indicated when using an tag in your watermark input. Use the full image path (not a URL) for more reliable results.