WaterWoo PDF Premium
WaterWoo PDF Premium is the most feature-packed WooCommerce PDF watermarking and passwording plugin, and works on all PDF versions! Use fonts, 0-100% transparency, images, and HTML styling in your PDF watermarks.
WaterWoo has been replaced by PDF Ink, with all the same features – and more. Check it out at pdfink.com!
Selling PDFs online in a WooCommerce store? Watermark and/or password each PDF download with custom information from your customer order! Help protect your intellectual property with customized watermarks. WaterWoo PDF Premium works with WooCommerce installed in WordPress to process each PDF upon each download, as you specify. It watermarks and/or passwords upon click of either the customer’s order confirmation page download link, email order confirmation download link, or account page download link — any time a file is accessed via a WooCommerce download link.
PDF File Specification & Pages:
- Supports PDF through version 1.7
- Watermark designated PDF downloads (as specified by you), or all PDF downloads from your site
- Watermarks all PDF/paper sizes, not just standard sizes. Watermark can be moved on the page, allowing for different paper sizes (such as letter, A4, legal, etc). Also handles pages of different sizes well.
- Watermarks on portrait and landscape-oriented pages
- Begin watermarking on selected page of PDF document (to avoid watermarking a cover page, for example). Also, stop watermarking on a selected page.
- Watermark every page, every odd page, or every even page. Watermark the first page only or the last page only.
- Files do not need to be in a specific directory
- Watermark files stored on remote servers (compatible with WooCommerce Amazon S3 and WooCommerce Dropbox)
Watermark Settings:
See below for a screenshot of WaterWoo general settings
- Watermark all PDF files with the same settings OR set individual, totally unique watermarks per product or even per product variation!
- Optionally password protect PDF files. Choose a password, or set buyer’s email as the password, or use a filter hook to create your desired password (phone, zip code… or get creative with your own PHP).
- Optionally prevent copying, annotating, or modifying of your PDF files
Watermark Content:
- Image and text watermarks in the same document
- Rotatable page overlay watermark, apart from footer watermark (two watermark locations!)
- Image (such as your logo) and text watermark (such as customer details) on the same document
- Dynamic customer data inputs using shortcodes for customer first name, last name, email, phone, business name, order date, order number, product name, order date plus days/weeks/months/years (could be used for product/license expiration dates), and quantity ordered by product ID (could be used to watermark how many of a specific item was purchased)
- Choice of font face, color, size and placement
- Watermark in nearly any font by uploading your own TTF files
- Extended support for stamping in your language (Windows-1252 AND extended characters offered by DejaVu Sans, M Sung [Chinese] and AE Furat [Arabic language] and AE Al Arabiya [Arabic])
- Watermark with png/gif/jpg images (place images in/on PDF files using HTML)
- Additional text formatting options, such as font color, style (bold, italics, HTML), and alignment (left/right/center)
- Support for RTL (right-to-left) watermarking
- Preserves existing PDF metadata (title, author, creation date, keywords, subject, and optionally producer [with boolean ‘wwpdf_overwrite_producer’ hook])
- Preserves existing external URL links embedded in the PDF. (Read about limitations with internal links such as Table of Contents and forms which apply to most watermarking plugins for WordPress.)
- Add a 1D or 2D custom barcode (includes QR codes) to your watermark using WaterWoo filter hooks*
- Add customized cover page or other pages into your PDF programmatically using WaterWoo action hooks and TCPDF functions*
* PHP programming support for this feature not included. Hire a WordPress/PHP developer to achieve this — or ask us if we are available for hire!
WaterWoo Admin
- Test your watermark and/or manually watermark a file on the fly
- Option to fall back and serve file un-watermarked if watermarking fails, rather than show customer an error
- Built-in event and error logging to help with record-keeping and troubleshooting
…and More!
- Localization ready. Comes with Spanish, French, and German translations.
- Compatible with the third-party “Free Downloads WooCommerce” plugin – shoot out watermarked PDFs straight from the product page!
- Compatible with the third-party “WooCommerce Bulk Downloads” plugin – allows you to watermark PDFs before ZIP archiving them.
- Open source code
- Excellent customer service
Settings Screenshot
- WordPress 4.9 or newer (like WooCommerce)
- WooCommerce 4.0 or newer
- PHP 7.0 or newer
- PDF(s)
- PHP mbstring (multi-byte string) hosting support if using an internationally-subsetted font (such as Deja Vu, M Sung or Furat)
- If you are selling large files, have high sales traffic, or choose to encrypt your PDFs using WaterWoo, you may need to upgrade your hosting account PHP version, PHP memory limit, and CPU. Also consider other performance recommendations from TCPDF where they pertain.
WaterWoo connects WooCommerce to open source PDF-parsing/writing libraries (TCPDI/TCPDF) and is best for smaller, simple PDFs with no forms or Table of Contents (TOC). To watermark most sheet music, sewing patterns, customized gift certificates and awards, and pamphlets, WaterWoo is perfect for the job.
- WaterWoo does not preserve internal links in a PDF such as table of contents
- WaterWoo can not parse or watermark PDF forms
- WaterWoo can not preserve PDF accessibility
- WaterWoo can not parse or watermark linearized “Fast Web View” PDFs
- WaterWoo might not parse or watermark incremental PDFs, e.g. where a cover page or pages were added later.
- WaterWoo can not parse PDFs version 2.0 or newer
Let’s be clear: no competitor’s plugin has these features, either. Learn more about these limitations and why they exist.
The only plugin for WordPress which retains all PDF features listed above is PDF Stamper for WooCommerce (a separate plugin sold here). If you are serious about your PDF business and your PDF content, please use PDF Stamper for WooCommerce instead. PDF Stamper integrates a higher quality PDF parser and preserves all PDF features, stamping losslessly. You will have fewer watermarking failures with PDF Stamper, and a more refined and accessible PDF end product.
Do I have to use WooCommerce for this to work?
Yes. WaterWoo watermarks PDFs sold through the WooCommerce e-commerce plugin for WordPress. It functions when a WooCommerce file download link is clicked. Custom watermarking data is culled from the checkout form, e.g. customer name, email, telephone number etc.
If you want to password and watermark PDFs with Easy Digital Downloads, check out EDDiMark PDF. Same with Download Monitor.
If you do not have one of these e-commerce platform but are using WordPress and would like to integrate encryption and/or watermarking into your PDF file downloads, look into using WP TCPDF Bridge.
Will WaterWoo PDF watermark images?
WaterWoo PDF is intended to watermark PDF (.pdf) files. If you are specifically looking to watermark image files (.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png, .etc), you may want to look into a plugin such as Image Watermark.
However, you can place transparent (and opaque) images on your PDFs! Learn more about stamping your image on a PDF.
Will WaterWoo preserve advanced PDF features such as layers, fillable forms and internal links (Table of Contents/TOC, bookmarks)?
No. The third-party PDF parsing libraries which WaterWoo and its competitors use are not able to recognize those advanced PDF features. If you insist on the integrity of your PDF (which you should), please invest in a PDF Stamper plugin setup instead of WaterWoo.
Does this work for ePub/Mobi files or .XYZ (not .PDF)?
No, this plugin watermarks PDF file types only.