WP TCPDF Bridge connects your Wordpress site to TCPDI/TCPDF to add text/image watermarks to your PDF files upon media library upload, on-the-fly in your Wordpress admin, or through download links on posts and pages.
TCPDF Bridge has been replaced by PDF Ink with all the same features – and more. Check it out at pdfink.com!
We harnessed the power of TCPDF (an open-source library for writing PDF files, similar to FPDF) and TCPDI (an open-source PDF parsing library) to allow WordPress users to alter their PDFs ad lib. Text and images can be added to existing PDFs in order to help protect intellectual property or just to personalize a file.
All you need is a WordPress setup and WP TCPDF Bridge to mark, password, and barcode your PDFs!
This plugin will help you add watermarking functionality to PDF download links throughout your WordPress site. You will also be able to watermark PDFs from the admin side of your website, as needed. If you need download/membership/payment tracking, you may want to use a plugin like WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads. This plugin simply connects WordPress to TCPDF to stamp PDFs on your WP website.
This plugin could also be used as a barcode generator or QR code generator for your PDF files. The admin interface allows you to choose a PDF, then design and add customized barcodes anywhere on the page.
Four styles of download prompts can be created:
- A simple inline form which collects some data (name/email are only default fields)
- A button which opens a popup/modal (collects first/last and email)
- A button which collects no data – it just prompts a download
- An inline link (link in paragraph text, for example) with AJAX or non-AJAX watermarking
Shortcodes can also be created manually using file URLs, meaning the functionality of this plugin can easily be built into your existing WordPress site’s file delivery template using a couple lines of PHP.
The shortcode feature of WP TCPDF Bridge plugin makes it possible to integrate PDF encryption and watermarking in many different types of WordPress site. Please get in touch and let’s discuss whether and how this plugin would work for you!
- Watermark all PDFs uploaded to the WordPress media library, or certain ones, or those which fit a REGEX pattern — your choice
- Watermark PDFs downloaded from anywhere on your site using plugin shortcodes — shortcode generator included!
- Easily create three types of download shortcode (with settings to further customize): inline link, inline form, or modal/popup form.
- Optionally require WP login and/or name/email for download
- Keeps your file location safe from prying eyes
- Watermark PDFs on-the-fly, anytime from the WordPress admin panel. Just choose a PDF, set your watermarking options (font, color, text, placement, etc.) and click a button.
- Optionally password protect PDF files. Choose a user password and even set the PDF owner password, if desired.
- Optionally prevent copying, annotating, modifying or printing of your PDF files
- Add your own TTF font files to TCPDF with a click, in order to stamp in your desired font.
- Watermark using HTML
- Watermark with png/gif/jpg images (place images in/on PDF files)
- Rotatable transparent page overlay watermark, apart from footer watermark (two watermark locations!)
- Additional text formatting options, such as font color, style (bold, italics, HTML), and alignment (left/right/center)
- Begin watermark on selected page of PDF document (to avoid watermarking a cover page, for example)
- Watermark every page, every odd page, or every even page. Watermark the first page only or the last page only.
- Support for RTL (right-to-left) watermarking
- Preserves existing PDF metadata (title, author, creationdate, keywords, subject, and optionally producer [with boolean ‘wptcpdfb_overwrite_producer’ hook])
- Add a highly customized 1D or 2D custom barcode (including QR code) to your PDF!
- Option to fall back and serve file un-watermarked if watermarking fails, rather than show customer an error
The shortcode feature of WP TCPDF Bridge plugin makes it possible to integrate PDF encryption and watermarking in many different types of WordPress site. Please get in touch and let’s discuss whether and how this plugin would work for you!
- WordPress 4.9 or newer
- PDF(s). WP TCPDF Bridge will not work on other types of files like ePub.
- PHP 5.6 or newer (recommended 7.0 or newer, PHP 8.3 supported)
- PHP mbstring (multi-byte string) support if using an international font, Deja Vu, M Sung or Furat
- If you are selling large files, have high sales traffic, or choose to encrypt your PDFs using Bridge, you may need to upgrade your hosting account. Do at least set your PHP memory limit high. If you run into timeouts, TCPDF offers recommendations for increasing performance.
The TCPDF library is included with this plugin — no need to install any libraries!
What is WP TCPDF Bridge best for? In a few words: simple, smaller-size PDFs
- WP TCPDF Bridge does not track file download details or user details. If you wish to track your downloads, you can use a plugin Easy Digital Downloads, WooCommerce, or Download Monitor (we have watermarkers for those plugins, too!)
- WP TCPDF does not preserve internal links in a PDF such as table of contents
- WP TCPDF Bridge can not parse or watermark PDF forms, PDF layers, or PDF attachments. They are flattened.
- WP TCPDF Bridge will not parse PDFs version 2.0 and newer
To watermark sheet music, sewing patterns, customized gift certificates and awards, and pamphlets, WP TCPDF Bridge is perfect for the job.