AZT Water

Really working on my internal dowsing rod and it’s paying off. I don’t have water info for the Arizona Trail other than USGS maps so finding these tanks because I’m exploring a bit off trail is a treat. My mom thinks it’s gross but this is a fact of life for desert hiking. We drink this to survive. For this trip I’m using a Sawyer Squeeze filter and I like it! It makes yellow water clear and you can set it up a lot of different ways.

Them’s the Vermillion Cliffs in the background and my first ever glimpse of the Grand Canyon. My heart is in my throat I’m so excited – and proud I’ve walked here the hard way. I’ll be entering the canyon on Friday.

* I didn’t realize it in 2016, but it’s really smart to hike this section of the Hayduke (the AZT section) with the current AZT water report in hand. This could save a hiker a lot of heartache, though it might not be accurate if not recently updated, and cause heartache! I didn’t do too badly without it, just going by what I found on the 7.5-minute topos and alongside the trail. Also, I could have fallen back on snow once I got above 8000′ — there was a recent storm. Having now hiked this section three times, I have some favorite water sources, and they’re all aprons. You can see them from satellite.
