Tag: umbrella

Looking down on the Esplanade, trying to remember to look at my footing, not the scenery! What a gorgeous morning!

When I Almost Killed George Steck

TL;DR Lucky for him, George Steck is already dead. I was just very mad at him for a couple days for suggesting anyone hike this section of the Esplanade in the Grand Canyon. In hindsight I myself wonder what I was doing trudging through sometimes hip deep snow drifts in a blizzard to Monument Point. But nevermind that, it’s another story. This story starts at the Bill Hall Monument Point trailhead, where I began by borrowing a few small bottles of water from the back of a pickup truck loaded with several dozen gallons. Gee I wondered, what was that person told? Obviously not the weather forecast! What’s wonderful about snow and rain in the Grand Canyon is it means finding water isn’t such a chore. I knew in a matter of minutes I’d be going from 36º and snowing continue reading…


A top ten most obvious fact about me: I am not classy. But I have a damn good, good time where I can, and every day I care less and less what other people think about me. Being in the woods so much the past few years is turning me into a real human animal AND I LOVE IT. Posing with Kevin AKA “BULLDOZER” at the eastern terminus of the L2H route in Badwater. 🐶 photo: Shotput 😍


If you’re familiar with Lone Pine or maybe a Pacific Crest Trail hiker, then you’ve probably met or heard Mary on one of her rambling walks around the town. We were both strolling down this lane with our sun umbrellas this morning, headed for one another. She was amused and said it felt like she was “looking in a mirror.” Mary lost her husband in 2004 in a boating accident and was moved to Lone Pine from coastal Oregon by a friend. She loves it here and is excited to be working on a radio play and to be in the upcoming Film Festival parade on her tricycle.

Scott Williamson record attempt 2013

The Scott Williamson

Mile 1949, just past noon today, I ran into Scott Williamson on the PCT, south-bounding. A lot of people believe he’s further south than he is, and others didn’t believe I’d met him, so I got a photo. Seems like a really cool guy! Chatted with me pleasantly even though he was busy trying to set a record! Note how he’s not carrying much at all, but he is carrying a Euroschirm Liteflex umbrella!