Wilson Update
An update on my sweet hiking companion, Wilson (the mini basketball). I was informed by a couple Grand Canyon backcountry rangers (Eston & Della) that Wilson was part of a sports ball stash that has been there for some reason for many many years. I packed Wilson out thinking the balls were trash. Whoops! (Pack it out anyway)
So, while meeting with Steve Bridgehouse, a ranger at GCNP 15+ years, I realized Wilson should stay in the park. I gifted him to Steve.
Although Steve lives in solitude and professes he sometimes goes days without using his vocal cords, he accepted Wilson and placed him on his bookshelf in his office. Wilson might not get talked to, but he will have knowing company.
Steve is very curious about the legendary sports ball cache, and so am I. Only two balls remain of what was once apparently a big pile. Steve says the Grand Canyon has many such traditions and complexities going on here and there. Know of any? (Besides the Bhodi Tree, I found that, too!)