shepherd pass view

Tiger’s got stripes

I want to be back there badly but it’s sorta a dumb idea still… So I purposely took less than enough gear up today so I’d be forced to turn back. Been working my ass off since Feb 24 trying to recover from the huge loss of STUFF in the Grand Canyon, plus get ready for Uncle Sam. The other day I couldn’t find my bikini and when I realized it’s also in the Colorado River I almost cried. I thought the list of things I lost was done, so that struck me. Yesterday I looked for my Western style button-down and realized…it’s in the River. Yep. Oh well. It’s still surprising though HOW MUCH Iost. I’m almost back on top and looking forward to being back in the woods a little more, instead of at the keyboard. Hey, I’ve gotten to launch a bunch more cool websites though, and for Eastern Sierra businesses, so it’s not like my work isn’t also like play! So many blessings. But look at them MOUNTAINS I WANT ‘EM! .

PostScript: 3k’ elevation gain today by foot (then back down) and I feel like im gonna shit my sacrum or drop a kneecap. But I still got it!
